Древние рукописи Грузии

Модератор: Лемурий

Древние рукописи Грузии

Сообщение tmt » 07 май 2007, 13:41

Открылся саит друвних рукописей "Института рукописей Грузии".



The Korneli Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts is one of the most important depositories of old manuscript books and historical documents in Georgia. The Institute was set up on 30 June 1958.

The founder and first Director of the Institute was Professor Ilia Abuladze, Corr, Member of the Georgian Acad . Sc.

In 1962, the Institute of Manuscripts of the Georgian Acad. Sc. was named after Acad. Korneli Kekelidze.

In 1968-1989 the Institute was directed by Helen Metreveli, Member of the Georgian Acad. Sc., and in 1989-2006 by Prof. Zaza Aleksidze, Corr. Member of the Georgian Acad. Sc.

In 2006, the Korneli Kekelidze Institute of MSS of the Georgian Acad. Sc. was abolished and the Korneli Kekelidze Institute of Manuscripts – a legal person of public law – was set up in its place.

At present Professor Buba Kudava, Cand. Sc. (History) is Acting Director of the Institute.

The Institute works in two directions: museum and research.


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