Стела Бури

Модератор: manefon

Сообщение Гость » 09 ноя 2004, 10:34

1) "Стела Бури" (The Storm Stela) рассказывает о некоем природном катаклизме сопровождавшимся наводнением, каменным градом, темнотой и т.п. во время войны Яахмеса с гиксосами.

Скажите, п-та, а где можно ознакомиться с этой стелой - м.б. есть ссылки в Инете, книги?

Сообщение Digger » 09 ноя 2004, 11:45

Meritamun писал(а):
1) "Стела Бури" (The Storm Stela) рассказывает о некоем природном катаклизме сопровождавшимся наводнением, каменным градом, темнотой и т.п. во время войны Яахмеса с гиксосами.

Скажите, п-та, а где можно ознакомиться с этой стелой - м.б. есть ссылки в Инете, книги?

"The Storm Stela". From: D. B. Redford. "Textual Sources For The Hyksos Period". In: 1997. E. D. Oren (Editor) The Hyksos: New Historical And Archaeological Perspectives. Philadelphia. pp: 16.
С уважением.
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Сообщения: 556
Зарегистрирован: 22 май 2004, 12:32

Сообщение Digger » 09 дек 2004, 02:38

The "Storm" stela (Vandersleyen 1967: 123-59; Helck 1975a: 104ff. [no. 124]; Foster-Ritner 1996).
(I) "[Live Horus: with great forms; the Two] Ladies: fair of birth; Horus-of-Gold: who binds the Two Lands, King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Neb-pehtet-re, son of Re, Ahmose [.................................
........................................], living forever!
Now H.M. came [...after(?)] (2) Re had [appoint]ed(?) him to be king himself; and indeed H.M. dwelled in the town of 'Him-who-provisions-the-Two-Lands' [...(3) in the foreland] south of Dendera, while A[mun lord of the thrones of the Two Lands] was in Southern Heliopolis. His Majesty (4) it was that fared south to present [the offering(P) in the] chapel; then after the hecatomb [...............................................
............................] (5) and attention was directed
[...............] this [district(?)L while indeed [...]
directed [...(6)...] and his limbs clove unto this temple, and his body was filled with joy [...(7).. .............................................................Now indeed]
this [god] expressed great desire [................]
His Majesty [ but ( ? ) ] the gods were vexed, ( 8 ) they were angry [................] of(?) the gods. The sky
came on with a [rain]-storm, and [darkness] was in the western heavens; (9) it rained without [letup...the cr]y of the people, powerful [...................]
[the thunder] upon the mountains, louder than the noise of (10) the 'Cavern' which is in Abydos. Then every house and hut [where] they had repaired [collapsed and the detritus was]
(II) in the flood of water, like reed canoes, at the very gate by the palace; and for a period of [...] days (12) no lamp was ever lit in the Two Lands.
Said H.M.: This is much more serious than god's punishment, greater [than] the gods' [judgc]ment!' Down went H.M. (13) into his barque, his councillors in his train, with [his] army on west and east concealing themselves, for they were wearing no clothing (14) due to the god's punishment. An arrival did H.M. make at the residence of Wese, and gold again guilded this divine image, that he might receive what he
desired. (15) Then H.M. refurbished the Two Lands in (their) condition of flood-devastation, he did not stint(?) in supplying them with silver, (16) gold, copper, unguent and clothing for every deficiency, as desired.
(17) Residence did H.M. take up within the Great House, l.p.h. Then they reminded H.M. of the destruction of the townships, the collapse of buildings, the demolition of the temples and the devastation of the pyramid-tombs - ( 18 ) 'What had never been done (before) is what has (now) been done!' - Thereupon H.M. commanded to restore the temples which had fallen into ruin throughout this entire land, to set up (19) the gods' monuments, and to erect their walls; to put the sacred implementa (back) into the 'Select Chamber,' to conceal the place of the mysteries, to re-introduce the (20) images into their shrines, which had been scattered about on the ground. The braziers were to be arranged, the offering stands set up and their loaf-offerings (21) established; the rations of the office-holders were to be doubled, and the land restored to what it was in the beginning.
And they acted in accordance with everything H.M. commanded."
С уважением.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 556
Зарегистрирован: 22 май 2004, 12:32

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